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Resources for Couples

Below is a list of recommended reading materials on marriage preparation and the early years of marriage as researched by Father Bill Swengros, former CEE District III Coordinating Priest.

Goes without saying.

Beginning Your Marriage, 8th Edition John L. Thomas, ACTA Publications 1994.

A clear review of many of the principles presented on the Engaged Encounter weekend.

Becoming Soul Mates Less & Leslie Parrott, Zondervan Publishing House 1995.

A 52-week program of enrichment for married couples, especially younger couples.

Couples Praying: A Special Intimacy Gene and Judith Tate O'Brien.Paulist Press, 1986.

Contains stories of couples that pray together and prayer starters.

Creating a Marriage James Greteman. Paulist Press, 1993.

Excellent overview of marriage - a mustfor all couples.

The Five Love Languages Gary Chapman, Northfield Publishing, 1992.

The First Two Years of Mariage: Foundations for a Life Together Thomas and Kathleen Fischer Hart, Paulist Press, 1993.

Excellent overview of marriage - a "must-read" for all newly married.

How to Survive Being Married to a Catholic Michael Henesy and Rosemary Gallangher, Ligurori Publications, 1985.

A "must-read" for all interfaith marriages.

Love for a Lifetime: Building a Marriage that Will Go the Distance Dr. James Dobson, Questar Publishers, 1993.

A no-nonsense discussion about issues facing those who are dating, engaged, or newly married.

Read the Fine Print Before You Say "I Do" Jack Leipert, Paulist Press, 1994.

A good introduction to married life - contains discussion questions.

The Soul of a Marriage Patrick and Claudette McDonald, Paulist Press, 1995.

Integrates spirituality with the normal conflicts couples experience as their needs shift between autonomy and togetherness.

Some of these publications are available for purchase at the CEE weekends. Any of them could also serve as a nice wedding gift.

Engaged Encounter Links: National Catholic Engaged Encounter

Catholic Engaged Encounter communities in the United States. National CEE Facebook page

A place for presenting teams, priests and support teams to get the latest information on Catholic Engaged Encounter.

Purchase items such as t-shirts, bags, and mugs. International Catholic Engaged Encounter

Catholic Engaged Encounter communities in the world Catholic Diocese of Birmingham in Alabama

Information about the Diocese of Birmingham Catholic Engaged Encounter District III

District III covers the southeastern United States. Birmingham Catholic Engaged Encounter NFP

Information on NFP in the Diocese of Birmngham.

Other links

Home of the online editions of St. Anthony Messenger, Catholic Update and other Catholic features, formerly known as St. Anthony Messenger Press, Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.A. Catholic Answers

One of the nation's largest lay-run apostolates of Catholic apologetics and evangelization Marriage Encounter

A tune-up for marriages after three to four years of marriage. Alabama Marriage Encounter

Site dedicated to the promotion and continuation of the Worldwide Marriage Encounter movement in Alabama.

An Initiative of the United States Conference of Bishops. United States Conference of Catholic Bishops